Solution ID
Description of solution
In the area of the Schnalzwehr at the Ammer near Peiting, the Ammer floodplain is to be reactivated. However, the initial situation and implementation is so complex that the expected construction costs exceed the financial framework of the Hotspot project. In order to be able to initiate this measure, which is very important for the Ammer river, its dynamics and biodiversity, WWF Germany is preparing a plan that is ready for implementation, including the necessary coordination of interests, networking, participation processes and approvals. Project partners from the region are to work together with the neighbouring communities, the Bavarian State Forests as land owner, the water authority Weilheimand the nature conservation administration to find a solution that takes all interests into account. The resulting close cooperation provides an excellent starting point for the subsequent implementation of the measure. The long-term goal is to reconnect more than ten hectares of floodplain area with oxbow lakes, wetland biotopes and floodplain forest within the Ammer Gorge to the natural dynamics of the wild river. The measure is part of the project Alpenfluss Landschaften.
reconect 10 ha of floodplain area with the Ammer (planned)
complex situation, that exceeds the financial possibilities.
International classification
Bavarian State Forests, water authority Weilheim, Nature conservation administration, WWF Germany
Section of the Ammer near Peiting