General informations
Eco-friendly revegation practices. The programme provides guidance to managers of mountain areas (ski resorts, municipalities, natural parks, farms and livestock operations, etc.) around best practices for enhancing topsoil and planting local species. The Ecovars programme is also taking forward projects for ecological restoration and cultivation of local species for use across the entire Pyrenees region (Pyrégrain de nèou)Ecovars 3D consist in training the various stakeholders involved in managing degraded pasture about the benefits of using local autochthonous seeds; redacting regular guidance for managers on how to maintain autochthonous vegetation ; enhancing topsoil through use of seeds which are more suitable to the time of year ; supporting seed producers and gatherers to develop appropriate species mixtures.It is at the origin of the creation of a seed brand "Pyrégraine de nèou" to guarantee local origin and quality of the seeds.
Geologic informations
Project informations
Region Nouvelle-AquitaineRegion Occitanie Pyrenees Catalanes and Pyrenees Ariégeoises natural parksFrench department of Pyrenees AtlantiquesSki resorts of the Pyrenees