Solution ID
Description of solution
The Tuffenmoos is a mountain pine bog with an open raised bog core. The eastern part of the bog is undisturbed, the western part has been peat-covered between 1 and 2 m deep. Two deep ditches ran in this peat-covered bog area, which drained the remaining peat body, promoted further peat decomposition and prevented the reintroduction of the typical raised bog inhabitants.To counteract these negative effects, the landscape conservation association carried out numerous restoration measures in 2010 with funding from the climate program. The peat bog was cleared of woody plants and rewetted with peat dams (supported by wooden structures). After a few years, the former ditch was completely overgrown with peat moss. Since then, the restored bog area has been mowed annually to skim off nutrients still present and to prevent the formation of scattered felts by pipe grass. Through these maintenance measures, highly specialized bog dwellers have been given a suitable habitat again.
International classification
Landschaftspflegeverband Oberallgäu-Kempten e.V., Governement of Swabia, local farmers, Municipality of Missen-Wilhams